Publication of Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski Group in SCIENCE

25 September 2020

The team of prof. Bartosz Grzybowski and the Allchemy company led by Dr Sara Szymkuć published an article in Science on the network of chemical reactions responsible for the origins of life on Earth. The article discusses computer planning of previously unknown prebiotic syntheses as well as their experimental validation, including examples of chemical emergence and autocatalytic cycles. This work is the first example of using artificial intelligence methods not only to systematize chemical knowledge, but also to creatively extend it to examples of unknown reactions (and entire systems) or even considered impossible to perform.

A publication by Agnieszka Wołos, Anna Żądło-Dobrowolska, Barbara Mikulak-Klucznik, Grzegorz Spólnik, Mirosław Dygas, Sara Szymkuć and Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski:

YouTube video: