Equipment database

Equipment available in the Laboratory for Analysis of Bioactive Compounds


Producer Location Description
Waters LASB/MS Samples can be analyzed using five ionization methods: ESI, APCI, APPI, MALDI i ASAP. SYNAPT is used for accurate mass measurements of pure samples and the samples separated by UPLC and for structural identification using collision induced dissociation (CID) and ion mobility methods.

Contact: Dorota Staszek
22 343 2219


Producer Location Description
Waters LASB/MS AutoSpec Premier spectrometer could be used for the following measurements:

  • standard low resolution EI and CI mass spectra,
  • accurate mass measurements
  • MIKE, B/E, B2/E and CNL for metastable ions as well as in CID mode.

Contact: Dorota Staszek
22 343 2219

Producer Location Description
Agilent LASB/MS

The system consists of the Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph coupled with Agilent 5975C single quadrupole mass spectrometer with EI and CI ion sources.  Samples can be introduced also through the Headspace autosampler.

Contact: Dorota Staszek
22 343 2219

Producer Location Description


Electronic Circular Dichroism spectroscopy is a widely used method for determining the absolute structure of molecules in solution and solid-phase.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description


Electronic Circular Dichroism spectroscopy is a widely used method for determining the absolute structure of molecules in solution and solid-phase. Spectropolarimeter ECD Jasco J-815 is equipped with a Peltier thermostatic adapter, which allows for measurements in the range from-10oC to 110oC, an Oxford cryostat for measurements up to -196oC, an adapter for solid phase measurements and an analytical HPLC set (for HPLC-ECD detection).

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description
Jasco LASB/PSO ORD spectroscopy is a technique complementary to the ECD, and it records the variation of optical rotation of chiral substances as a function of the wavelength of linearly polarized light.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description

VCD spectrometer records the chiroptical spectra in the IR range. VCD can be regarded as an extension of ECD to the IR range, where the oscillatory transitions occur only within the ground-state of the molecule.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description

UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy encompasses the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This technique is routinely used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of any chemical compounds containing in their structure chromophoric system, both in solution and solid-state.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description
Cary LASB/PSO UV-VIS spectroscopy encompasses the ultraviolet and visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This technique is routinely used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of any chemical compounds containing in their structure chromophoric system.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description

IR spectroscopy allows analyzing the structure of molecules (and detect functional groups) and their interaction with the environment. The equipment includes an ATR attachment with a diamond crystal and ZnSe.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description
Shimadzu LASB/PSO IR spectroscopy allows analyzing the structure of molecules (and detect functional groups) and their interaction with the environment. The equipment includes an ATR attachment withZnSe crystal.

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description
Jasco LASB/PSO Polarimeter Jasco P-2000 allows you to make measurements of optical rotation of chiral substances. It is equipped with two lamps: a sodium lamp (589nm) and a mercury lamp (578, 546, 436, 405, 365nm).

Contact: dr Marcin Górecki
Head of laboratory
22 343 2212

Producer Location Description
Bruker LASB/X-ray It allows to study the structure of organic and metalloorganic compounds and to assign the absolute configuration of chiral compounds.

Contact: dr Maja Morawiak
22 343 2207

Producer Location Description
Oxford Cryosystems LASB/X-ray It makes it possible to study chemically unstable compounds/crystals in the 100 – 373 K temperature range.

Contact: dr Maja Morawiak
22 343 2207

Producer Location Description
Nikon/Linkam LASB/X-ray

It enables the observation and registration of a sample in polarized light in the temperature range up to 300 °C – e.g. observation of phase transitions, polymorphism.

Contact: dr Maja Morawiak
22 343 2207

Producer Location Description
Elementar LASB/AE

The apparatus is used to determine the percentage of C, H, N, S in organic compounds with an accuracy of 0.3%.

Contact: MSc, Eng. Krystyna Markucińska
22 343 2004

Producer Location Description
Radwag LASB/AE

The balance is used to make precise weights with an accuracy of 0.001 mg, max 2 g.

Contact: MSc, Eng. Krystyna Markucińska
22 343 2004

Producer Location Description
Mettler LASB/AE

The device is used to determine the content of Cl, Br, J in organic compounds with an accuracy of 0.3%

Contact: MSc Ewa Czykiel
22 343 2004

Producer Location Description
Mettler LASB/AE

On this scale, precise weights can be made with an accuracy of 0.001 mg, max 5 g.

Contact: MSc Ewa Czykiel
22 343 2004

Producer Location Description

It comes standard with an Auto XID probe. It is a probe in invers configuration, optimal for all measurements with detection in the proton channel. The BB (wideband) channel of this probe covers the frequency range of 31P to 15N (242.9 to 60.8 MHz). We currently offer a full range of 1D and 2D measurements, both homonuclear, heteronuclear and diffusion. The Auto XID probe allows you to perform temperature measurements in the range from -100 to 100 ℃.

Contact: dr hab. Wojciech Schilf prof. IOC PAS
22 343 3318

Producer Location Description

As standard, this instrument is equipped with an Auto XDB probe with a direct configuration, recommended for direct heteronuclear measurements. This probe allows you to perform 19F resonance measurements using the high-frequency channel and broadband measurements in the range from 31P to 15N (from 202.4 to 50.7 MHz). The Auto XDB probe allows you to perform temperature measurements in the range from -100 to 100 ℃.

Contact: dr hab. Wojciech Schilf prof. IOC PAS
22 343 3318

Producer Location Description

This instrument is equipped with a universal probe that allows you to perform measurements with signal detection both in the proton channel (inversions) and in the broadband channel using direct methods. The BB (broadband) channel covers the range from 19F to 109Ag (from 376.5 to 18.6 MHz), thus allowing the measurement of proton-fluorine correlations. This device is equipped with a temperature module, which allows to perform temperature measurements in the range -80 to 60 ℃.

Contact: dr hab. Wojciech Schilf prof. IOC PAS
22 343 3318

Equipment available in Research Groups

Producer Location Description
Team I

The cluster consists of 5 computers, 32 processors each and 2 computers, 16 each, which is a total of 188 processors. Each of the computers except one has 128 GB of RAM. Gaussian version 16 A.03 is installed. The cluster operates in a multi-access mode with a queuing system. You can install your own Linux programs.

Contact: prof. Witold Danikiewicz
22 343 2215

dr Magdalena Zimnicka
22 343 2123

Producer Location Description
Retsch Team II
Room 123
Ball mills are one of the most effective tools for grinding hard, brittle and fibrous materials. Intensive grinding provides energy for carrying out chemical reactions in the solid phase.
Usage:1. mechanochemical processes: solid phase synthesis according to the principles of green chemistry. Perovskite synthesis.2. fragmentation of substances in the process of drug formulation preparation.

Contact: prof. Bartłomiej Furman
22 343 2053

Producer Location Description
Retsch Team II
Room 123
Ball mills are one of the most effective tools for grinding hard, brittle and fibrous materials. Intensive grinding provides energy for carrying out chemical reactions in the solid phase.
Usage:1. mechanochemical processes: solid phase synthesis according to the principles of green chemistry. Perovskite synthesis.2. fragmentation of substances in the process of drug formulation preparation.

Contact: prof. Bartłomiej Furman
22 343 2053

Producer Location Description
Jasco Team II
Room 123
The P-2000 is a configurable, high-precision digital polarimeter with multiple measuring range options. Usage:

1. Measurement of optical rotation.

Contact: dr Barbara Grzeszczyk
22 343 2128

Producer Location Description
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS Team IV
Room 21

Kit for carrying out reactions under very high pressure

Contact: Wiktor Ignacak
22 343 2027

Producer Location Description
Team IV
Room 5

Maximum ozone output – 5 g / h. Smooth regulation of oxygen flow enables the reaction to be carried out from the micro scale to several grams of substrate in one portion.

Contact: prof. Zbigniew Pakulski
22 343 2005

Producer Location Description
SI ANalytics Team V
Room 136/138

A device for measuring the water content in liquid samples using the coulometric method (up to a maximum of 5%).

Contact: dr hab. Michał Michalak
22 343 2018 or 22 343 2136

Producer Location Description
MBraun Team V
Room 133/135

The glovebox allows you to work under nitrogen as an inert gas in anhydrous and anaerobic conditions (<1 ppm). A scale (0.01 mg) and a magnetic stirrer were installed inside the chamber.

Contact: dr hab. Wojciech Chaładaj
22 343 3065 or 22 343 2140

Producer Location Description
Unipress Team VIII
Room 38

The reactor was designed to carry out high-pressure reactions (on the order of a few kbar) under flow conditions.

Contact: dr Patryk Niedbała
22 343 2038

Producer Location Description
Unipress Team VIII
Room 021

High-pressure presses allow the reaction to be carried out under high pressure, up to 10 kbar.

Contact: dr Patryk Niedbała
22 343 2038

Producer Location Description
Agilent Technologies Team VIII
Room 021

The spectrometer allows the measurement of UV-Vis spectra.

Contact: dr Patryk Niedbała
22 343 2038

Producer Location Description
Agilent Technologies Team VIII
Room 021

The device enables measurements of fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemo- and bioluminescence as well as temporal measurements of phosphorescence.

Contact: dr Patryk Niedbała
22 343 2038

Producer Location Description
Advion Team VIII
Room 38

The spectrometer allows you to measure mass up to 2000 U.

Contact: dr Patryk Niedbała
22 343 2038

Producer Location Description
Hitachi Team IX
Room 7

Apparatus for measuring absorption spectra.

Contact: prof. Agnieszka Szumna
22 343 2203

Producer Location Description
Malvern Panalytical Team IX
Room 7

Apparatus for measuring particle size and zeta potential of solutions on the basis of light scattering.

Contact: prof. Agnieszka Szumna
22 343 2203

Producer Location Description
Cole Parmer Team IX
Room 7

Homogenizer for immersion in the solution. Allows to carry out ultrasound-assisted reactions or homogenize the mixture.

Contact: prof. Agnieszka Szumna
22 343 2203

Producer Location Description
Shimadzu Team X
Room 017

Shimadzu UV3600i Plus is designed to measure the absorption of light by solutions in the range 185-3300 nm. Dual beam optical system, has a double monochromator, photometric range -6 Abs to +6 Abs.

Contact: dr Yevgen Poronik
22 343 2026

Producer Location Description
Edinburgh Instruments Team X
Room 017

The Edinburgh Instruments FS5 fluorimeter, equipped with the Hamamatsu R13456 photomultiplier, is designed to measure the fluorescence of solutions in the range of 230-980 nm. Raman signal-to-noise ratio for water 6000: 1.

Contact: dr Yevgen Poronik
22 343 2026

Producer Location Description
Perkin Elmer Team X
Room 017

The Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 spectrophotometer is designed to measure the absorption of light by solutions in the range 190-1100 nm. Dual beam optical system, photometric range -3.2 Abs to +3.2 Abs.

Contact: dr Yevgen Poronik
22 343 2026

Producer Location Description
Perkin Elmer Team X
Room 7

The Hitachi F7000 fluorimeter, equipped with the Hamamatsu R928P photomultiplier tube, is designed to measure the fluorescence of solutions in the range of 230-900 nm. Raman signal-to-noise ratio for water 1000: 1.

Contact: MSc Paulina Jurek
22 343 2104

Producer Location Description
BioLogic Team XIIIa
Room 35

The potentiostat enables electrochemical tests. The key application of the device is the electroanalytical measurements of redox-active chemical compounds and their mixtures.

Contact: dr Mateusz Woźny
22 343 2035

Producer Location Description
Hoger Team XIV
Room 107

Simple glovebox operating in flow-through mode, nitrogen or argon atmosphere. It enables the storage and weighing (up to 0.1 mg) of substances sensitive to oxygen and moisture.

Contact: dr hab. Rafał Loska
22 343 2107 or 22 343 2108

Jakub Brześkiewicz
22 343 2001

Producer Location Description
Edinburgh Instruments

Team XV
Room 17

The spectrofluorimeter allows for fluorescence measurements with excitation in the range of 230-1000 nm and emission in the range of 230-980 nm.

Contact: MSc, Eng Katarzyna Orłowska
22 343 2118

Producer Location Description
UOSlab Miniphoto

Team XV
Room 118

Photoreactor allowing for simultaneous irradiation of 24 reaction samples. It is equipped with LEDs with wavelengths: 365 nm, 405 nm, 450 nm, 525 nm and 660 nm.

Contact: MSc, Eng Katarzyna Orłowska
22 343 2118

MSc Joanna Turkowska
22 343 2118

Producer Location Description

Team XV
Room 112/114

A device that emits microwave radiation, designed to carry out chemical reactions. Microwave energy can significantly accelerate the course of chemical processes.

Contact: MSc Aleksandra Potrząsaj
22 343 2119

MSc, Eng Krzysztof Dworakowski
22 343 2111

Producer Location Description
Agilent Team XVa
Room 115

The Cary 60 spectrophotometer allows you to quickly record the full absorption spectrum in the 190 to 900 nm range. An additional adapter allows you to control the temperature of the tested sample, as well as its mixing and exposure between measurements.

Contact: dr Maciej Giedyk
22 343 2115

Producer Location Description
Room 123

A device that emits microwave radiation, designed to carry out chemical reactions at elevated temperature. Microwave energy allows you to significantly accelerate the course of chemical processes. The device enables the reaction to be carried out in closed vessels (10 ml, 35 ml) and in open reaction flasks (5-125 ml) under a reflux condenser. Parameters: power: 0-300 W; pressure: 0-30 bar; temperature: 40-300 ˚C

Contact: dr hab. Sebastian Stecko
22 343 3065

Producer Location Description
Parr Instruments Company Team XXI
Room 123

Pressurized hydrogenation reactor with temperature controller. Parameters: reaction vessels 250 and 500 ml, hydrogen pressure up to 5 bar, temperature 20-80 ˚C

Contact: dr hab. Sebastian Stecko
22 343 3065

prof. Bartłomiej Furman
22 343 2053

Producer Location Description
MBraun Team XXI
Room 124/126

A chamber for operation in a controlled atmosphere of inert gas (nitrogen, argon). Enables the work and storage of substances sensitive to moisture or air. The chamber is equipped with an analytical balance, magnetic stirrer and a device for removing static charges.

Contact: dr hab. Sebastian Stecko
22 343 3065

prof. Bartłomiej Furman
22 343 2053

dr hab. Michał Michalak
22 343 2018 or 22 343 2136

Producer Location Description
Hanovia Team XXI
Room 123

Immersion photoreactor, equipped with a 150 W medium pressure mercury lamp. Glass reactor with a capacity of 500 ml is equipped with a mixing element, an inert gas supply and a side arm for a reflux condenser.

Contact: dr hab. Sebastian Stecko
22 343 3065


Producer Location Description
Michał M. Więcław
Team II

Software for bath processing of Gaussian output files, dealing with structure optimization and calculation of chemical compounds’ optical activity.
– Processes multiple files at once, shortening the time needed for analysis.
– Filters conformers based on their structure, energy value, or calculations state.
– Simulates IR, VCD, UV, ECD, Raman, and ROA spectra based on calculated optical activities using approximation with Gauss or Lorentz function.

Contact: Michał M. Więcław
22 343 01 24