The publication Peptide-based capsules with chirality-controlled functionalized interiors – rational design and amplification from dynamic combinatorial libraries in Chemical Science presents peptide capsules obtained by scientists from the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Agnieszka Szumna and Hanna Jędrzejewska designed capsules made of amino acids with chirality that does not exist in nature. The obtained capsules, depending on the type of protein used, have different properties and can find various applications as: nanoreactors, catalysts for specific chemical reactions or as carriers in controlled drug delivery.
Nauka w Polsce,33469,sposob-na-nanoreaktory-peptydowe-kapsuly-na-reakcje-chemiczne.html
Nauka w Polsce,410923,rusztowania-z-peptydowych-klockow-lego.html